
Compass Workshop WorkshopEventKindTaipei Biennial EventKind

In order to move towards the Terrestrial, i.e. sustainable, way of life, many changes are necessary. But where do we start given that every "good resolution" is instantly confronted with a myriad of contradictions or undesirable effects? It’s easy to talk about the values that we find worthy of pursuing, but such abstractions do not help effect concrete change. This workshop tries to propose a methodology to ask these questions again from a different angle. The idea is to start from very concrete and personal concerns, taken from each person’s everyday life. What are you attached to? What do you depend on? Is what you depend on threatened by the current situation? Is what you depend on problematic for others? While these questions may seem very simple at first glance, they are not, as it is difficult to identify concretely what we are attached to and what we depend on.
The objective of this workshop is precisely to tackle this task of clarification through what Bruno Latour calls “a compass to find one’s position, to understand one's past, to explore the options of the future in order to take the appropriate action in the present.”