On February 24, 2022, Russia's invasion of Ukraine captured the world's attention. In less than a month, on March 18, 109 baby strollers were seen in Lviv's central square in Ukraine to commemorate the 109 children who lost their lives within this short period of the invasion. This event, called "Tsina Viyny (The Price of War)," aimed to raise global awareness of the plight of Ukrainian children affected by the war.
Profoundly affected by this tragic event, we were compelled to document and present this historical period through the language of art. We believe that art is a powerful medium that evokes emotions and thoughts, raising awareness of the harsh realities of war.
"Between II" is a large-scale installation that combines kinetic art, sound, and interactive involvement. It features approximately 100 baby strollers, each carrying a message—musical or sound element—to represent the various ages, genders, and professions of the people affected by the war. These sounds may include the distant rumbles of destruction, the blasting of shells, sirens, as well as music, songs, recitations, life stories, and the cry of despair. The sounds are activated by pushing the strollers, and further enhanced by the ambient sounds in the installation space, whereby viewers experience a tangible yet abstract soundscape.
At the project's outset, we launched an initiative in Taiwan to collect baby strollers and we received over 100 donations from concerned parents across the country in just two months’ time. Additionally, we traveled to war-torn Ukraine for on-site documentation and field recording. We also invited local citizens, as well as Ukrainians abroad, to participate in this art project.
Through this project, we hope to uncover the overlooked voices of the Ukrainian people who endure this historic tragedy and to emphasize the urgent calls for sovereignty, democracy, and freedom for Ukraine. We believe in the limitless power of a collective voice expressed in various forms and media.